
Donations from generous individuals are more important to us than ever before. The festival simply couldn’t thrive without each and every single one no matter how big or small. Your donation will help us cover the costs of programming, production and promotion, and ensure that we can continue to provide accessible and affordable cultural activities in Norfolk.

Donate Directly

To help us raise our Additional Funding Target of £15,000 by 30th November 2024, please click on the button below to DONATE DIRECTLY into the Festival Savings Account. We are a Not-For-Profit, Community Interest Project, produced by the PBSK Partnersh

Trusts and Charities

Since its inception in 2010, the Festival has been fortunate enough to receive financial backing from numerous Charitable Trusts. We are always very grateful for their considerable support, interest and backing across all our projects. 

For any further information on trusts and charities please contact: or


We thank everyone who has made a legacy towards the Festival and welcome all those considering to support us in this way.
The Festival also works with supporters who wish to remember loved ones by displaying their name above the title of a production or one
of the Norfolk Art Awards in way of a memorial: a joyous way to remember them.

For any further information on how to leave a legacy or memorial please contact: or